My slutty little stepsister has an equally slutty little friend. They like to walk around in tiny little shirts and shorts, practically prancing around. I decide I am going to fuck Jade senseless, I am just going to slip it right in her little pussy, she will be too embarrassed to have her friends stepbrother fucking her to make a fuss. But my little slut stepsister wakes up, she can tell what I am going to do and she doesn't want to make a scene to stop me, so I make her take the hard fucking I had planned for her friend, She is worried about waking up Jade, but she can barely keep in her moans- what a horny slut my stepsister is. I didn't get to fuck her hot little friend, but there is always next time.
My slutty little stepsister has an equally slutty little friend. They like to walk around in tiny little shirts and shorts, practically prancing around. I decide I am going to fuck Jade senseless, I am just going to slip it right in her little pussy, she will be too embarrassed to have her friends stepbrother fucking her to make a fuss. But my little slut stepsister wakes up, she can tell what I am going to do and she doesn't want to make a scene to stop me, so I make her take the hard fucking I had planned for her friend, She is worried about waking up Jade, but she can barely keep in her moans- what a horny slut my stepsister is. I didn't get to fuck her hot little friend, but there is always next time.